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Our Facility

Come join us at our 20,000 sq. ft. air-conditioned multi-sports facility located near the heart of Boca Raton, FL! We offer a range of kid's sports from Gymnastics, Karate, Dance, Cheerleading, and more!

  • Complete Gymnastics facility with regulation sized competition floor, four sets of uneven bars, five balance beams, two vault runways, strap bar, tumble trak, handstand trainers
  • Full Cheerleading floor
  • Dedicated Karate Facility
  • Dance Rooms
  • Party rooms
  • Lobby with viewing windows and monitors
  • Ultra high ceilings

For complete information about our facilities, feel free to browse through our web site. You will find detailed class descriptions, schedules, and fees.


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Need practice space?

Do you need practice space for your athletic organization? We can help! Our 20,000 sq ft air conditioned facility includes a 42x42 gymnastics floor and a 42x54 cheer floor. For current rates and available times, email us today. You can also call us at 561-998-4225 and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have!

Gymnastics Gear

We have new GK and Alpha Factor leos in stock!

Whether you're looking for home use equipment or leotards, you'll find what you're looking for in our Pro Shop. Visit the gym and check it out today!
