Home Rising Stars Gymnastics Team
Gymnastics Team

Team History

Rising Stars Gymnastics Competitive Team

The Rising Stars Gymnastics Team was started in 1991 by head coach and owner, Julie Willmott. At the time, the team worked out of a mini-gymnasium at the old Pompano Beach High School. Over the years the program grew and with it, came new and bigger locations. Rising Stars Gymnastics evolved into Kids Choice Sports, Dance and Fitness, but the gymnastics program and competitive are still Rising Stars. 

The team participates in both USAG and AAU leagues both locally and nationally for levels 1-10 and Xcel Copper-Sapphire. For more information regarding our competitive team, please email us at risingstars@gokidschoice.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  or call us at (561) 998-4225.


League Competition

There are many leagues out there for gyms to choose from. Each league sets its own rules and policies and anyone participating in a league event must be a member of that league.

usag_logoThe main gymnastics league is USA Gymnastics or USAG. This is the main governing body for all of gymnastics in the USA. They create all of the rules, policies, and routines we use for levels 4 and up. They also offer training, safety course and more for coaches. Rising Stars Gymnastics competes in USAG sanctioned meets for the level 4 and up as well as Xcel Gold and up gymnasts at local meets. We also make available several larger USAG meets around the state.

AAU_logoThe other league we participate in is the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU). This league mainly follows the USAG rules, policies and routines. The Rising Stars Gymnastics Team participates in the AAU Gymnastics Age Group National Championship each year for all levels.

Rising Stars Gymnastics hosts two competitive meets each year. Our "Novemberfest" in the fall each year and is both USAG and AAU sanctioned. Our "Spring Spectacular" in March/April each year is AAU sanctioned for all levels. This spring meet is a qualifier for the Florida Gold AAU Championship meet held each May -- a required meet for all southeast Florida athletes who wish to compete at the AAU Gymnastics Age Group National Championship held in June.


Team Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Rising Stars Gymnastics team to promote and encourage participation in the sport of competitive gymnastics by any individual who has the interest, desire, and ability to participate. The Rising Stars Gymnastics team is based upon building self-esteem, self-discipline, and a well-rounded individual. At Rising Stars Gymnastics, we believe that the entire child needs to be developed, not just the athlete, and we believe that family and school should be the most important things in any athlete's life. We believe in structuring our teaching to compensate for the obligations of family life and school functions. We strive to build our athletes' self-esteem by searching out ways for them to succeed through meet choices and our developmental approach to competing.

Gymnastics is a developmental sport. We start our competitive levels at Xcel Copper, Bronze, Silver, level 1 or level 2 dependent on skill, and progress through Level 10. The coaches determine when an athlete is ready to move to the next level, based upon a variety of factors. We do not move an athlete up based upon parent/athlete request, nor based upon other athletes' mobility. We believe that each athlete should progress at her own speed. Generally, this means the athlete will spend at least one year at each competitive level, sometimes two. For levels of 4and above, mobility is also contingent upon achievement of a USAG mobility score at a USAG sanctioned meet; however, this achievement does not mean the athlete will immediately move up to the next level as it is only one factor in the coaches' decision.

Coach Julie



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Need practice space?

Do you need practice space for your athletic organization? We can help! Our 20,000 sq ft air conditioned facility includes a 42x42 gymnastics floor and a 42x54 cheer floor. For current rates and available times, email us today. You can also call us at 561-998-4225 and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have!

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