Home Private Lessons
Private Lessons

Get dedicated one-on-one instruction!

Whether you are an experienced gymnast or new to gymnastics, private lessons offer an great way of exploring your potential. Our knowledgeable coaches make instruction fun with a no pressure experience. The lessons are designed to provide one-on-one instruction for intermediate and advanced gymnasts, with an instructor of your choice. These sessions may be taken in addition to a regular class or by themselves.

To arrange for a private lesson, please call us at (561) 998-4225 or email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . The lessons can then be set up for a time which is convenient for both you and the instructor.



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Need practice space?

Do you need practice space for your athletic organization? We can help! Our 20,000 sq ft air conditioned facility includes a 42x42 gymnastics floor and a 42x54 cheer floor. For current rates and available times, email us today. You can also call us at 561-998-4225 and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have!

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